If you are looking for an anti aging solution for your skin, IPL facial may be the right option. The facial reduces the visible signs of aging, giving you glowing, youthful skin. IPL facials work for all skin types and ages, reducing sun damage’s visible signs.
How IPL Works
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), also known as photo facial or photorejuvenation, is a popular non-invasive cosmetic treatment. IPL is a light-based therapy that uses multiple wavelengths of broad-spectrum light on the skin’s damaged surface. The handheld device safely heats skin cells in the targeted area and breaks them down naturally while boosting collagen production. This leads to smooth, healthier, and even-toned skin.
The Benefits of IPL Photorejuvenation
1. Aesthetic Treatment for Various Skin Conditions
One of the major benefits of IPL facials is that they can treat different skin conditions simultaneously. A board-certified dermatologist should perform the procedure and customize it to your needs for safety reasons. The IPL facial effectively treats various skin conditions like:
- Birthmarks
- Scarring
- Acne and acne scars
- Uneven skin tone
- Wrinkles and fine lines
- Spider veins (broken capillaries)
- Discoloration of the skin
- Unwanted hair
- Stretchmarks
- Rosacea (redness of the skin)
- Sun-damaged skin (spots caused by UV rays)
- Hyperpigmentation (Ages pots and Freckles)
2. IPL Facial Is a Non-Invasive Procedure
Unlike other conventional procedures like waxing, IPL is generally more comfortable. The procedure is painless and doesn’t require needles or surgery. Some patients may experience a minimal tingling sensation on the skin. A topical anesthetic is applied 1 hour before the procedure to overcome the discomfort.
3. IPL Facials Can Be Complemented with Other Additional Non-Surgical Treatments
The procedure can complement other procedures like dermal fillers, microdermabrasion, Botox, and chemical peels. Discuss your skin goals and needs with your dermatologist before undertaking any facial treatment.
4. IPL Treatment Can Be Performed On Various Parts of the Body
IPL photo facials can be used to treat different parts of the body like the face, hands, arms, legs, shoulders, neck, and chest. Patients with sun damage on different parts of their bodies can benefit from photorejuvenation to give them a uniform look. IPL facial is ideal for men and women who want to look young and rejuvenate their skin.
5. The Procedure Is Fast, Easy, and Effective
Some facial procedures are time-consuming. With IPL, the facial only takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on how large the treatment area is. The procedure can conveniently be scheduled to fit into your busy lifestyle. 3 to 6 additional sessions produce the best results for your skin.
6. IPL Treatments Have Minimal Downtime
Recovery is fast and painless. Some patients experience mild redness and sensitivity after the treatment, which disappears after a few hours. Unlike surgery or other facial procedures, you can easily return to your duties immediately after the procedure. IPL is not recommended for people with chronic diseases and pregnant women.
If considering an IPL facial, contact Skin Deep for more information.